The Living Studio Prize Packet with Jeanne Oliver

Jeanne Oliver is one very generous soul. To launch her nearly 2-year effort in getting The Living Studio | City Art Walks Around The World retreats and online classes started, she is giving away some of her favorite art supplies for creating a portable art studio, a gift card and her entire series of lessons on her network, totaling $1,000. Go here to enter the giveaway. There are multiple ways to add your name into the hopper for the prizes. Winners will be announced next Thursday.

And to top it off, in the new year, The Living Studio will become a free online series on her network. The series begins in January with videos with various artists showing their favorite tips/tools for creating art on the go.;

This February, Jeanne is creating The Living Studio in Savannah, Georgia.; sign up or to learn more about this trip go here. We are filling up, but there is still room for artists who want to create together in Savannah, nicknamed the Hostess City of the South. It is going to be an amazing trip.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Amy Persons says:

    This is certain to be spectacular!


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